Essential Elements of Key Environmental Product Explained in 2 Minutes

Our Work: Momo’s creative team produced a two minute, precise explainer video that simplified the GER and explained the ground-breaking carbon contract that aims to enable individuals and businesses to turn their net zero ambitions into reality. We used simplified graphics to break down the various elements surrounding the Global Emission Reduction contract and within a short timeframe explained the fundamentals of the voluntary carbon markets, as well as detailing the importance of removal credits and their pathway to net zero.

Results: The project sparked an ongoing collaboration with the client and partners to produce a series of similarly simple yet effective educational videos on the subject of the carbon market. 



Photography & Videography

  • Strategy

    To create an infographic explainer video about Global Emissions Reduction (GER) and strategies for companies to meet their net zero targets.

  • Design

    To tackle a complex topic and present it in a clear and engaging manner.

  • Client

    Net Zero Markets

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