Fast Paced Product Launch Archieved for Carbon Clients

Our Work: We engaged a large team to work as quickly as possible. Our editorial and design team worked quickly to produce marketing documents and a FAQ while our digital media department revamped the website and boosted the social media following. We produced a webinar for the product launch which attracted 500+ registrants as well as organising a press briefing at extremely short notice. Our creative team made a motion graphic explainer video. We achieved widespread coverage of the launch within specialist industry media and introduced the CEO to journalists at Tier One media to facilitate a longer-term relationship. 

Results: The client was extremely pleased with the speed of our work and has retained us beyond the initially contracted period.



Strategic Communications, Virtual Event Management

  • Strategy

    Launch of the Global Emissions Reduction (GER)

  • Design

    The client had been forced to rush the launch of a new contract and hired us only 10 days before launch. We had to quickly familiarise ourselves with a sophisticated product. This ground-breaking carbon contract enabled individuals and businesses to turn their net zero ambitions into reality.

  • Client

    Net Zero Markets


Product launch
Webinar registrants

Positive coverage of the launch in trade media

LinkedIn Followers from 300 to 1,900 in 3 months

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